Using GIS to map forest canopy and elevational data:

In February of 2005, Horizon’s Inc. flew a LIght Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) acquisition for the Coeur d'Alene Reservation. The following images depict some of the preliminary data products for that flight. The total project area covers 342,477 acre Coeur d’Alene Reservation.

The Tribe acquired the raw LiDAR data and processed it using tools developed by the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station in Moscow, Idaho.

The following images depict some of the preliminary data products for the LiDAR processing. The imagery found on this web site has been reduced in resolution to make images smaller for web viewing. The data depicted here is from the Benewah Creek Valley on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation.

Figure 1. Map of test area, with roads, streams and color orthophoto.

Figure 2. Hillshade created from Digital Terrain Model made from LiDAR, including vegetation.

Figure 3. Hillshade created from Digital Terrain Model made from LiDAR, excluding vegetation. (Bare earth hillshade)

Figure 4. Hillshade overlaid with vegetation heights. Coloring is in steps of 5-meter increments.

Figure 5. LiDAR intensity values. (The intensity value is a measure of the return signal strength.)

Figure 6. Hillshade created from Digital Terrain Model made from LiDAR, overlaid with Color Ortho Photo.

Figure 7. Three-dimensional view of project area using LiDAR as elevational model and then overlaying that with color digital ortho photo using ArcGlobe.

For more information about the study please contact   GIS Manager
Coeur d'Alene Tribe HQ | p. 208.686.1800 | 850 A. Street Plummer ID 83851