Word Details

sqigwts achsetq'it

stem: s-qigwts

analysis: s-qigwts achsetq'it

definition: Water Potato Day ; day of Water Potatoes

special notes: or sqigwts ha chsetq'it

source: em11-10-04

audio archive: sqigwts_achsetq-it_KM ; sqigwts_ha_chsetq-it_RB

2 audio files found:

  • Audio file can't be found on the server: sqigwts_achsetq-it_KM

  • Audio file can't be found on the server: sqigwts_ha_chsetq-it_RB

    categorical subject: Calendar

    date last edited: 22/Mar/2006

    example sentence: cheĀ§ ch tu's ya'(pqi'n'm khwa a sqigwts 'ha chsetq''it'

    analysis: cheĀ§ ch tu's ya'(-p-qi'n-'m khwa a sqigwts ha chsetq'it

    definition: We are going to go there (to the lake) for the 'celebration of Water Potato Day'

    audio archive: Water Potato Day greeting_RB

  • Click to hear audio file: Water Potato Day greeting_RB

  • Coeur d'Alene Tribe HQ | p. 208.686.1800 | 850 A. Street Plummer ID 83851