Word Details

chespute'met khwe gu§ syet'apnt'weshet

stem: put-e'

analysis: che§-s-put-e'-m-et khwe gu§ sye-t'ap-n-t-'wesh-et

definition: Veteran's Day ; We will honor our Veterans ; honor 'our Veteran''s (we will...)'

literal translation: They will be the means of our honor, those who are our 'shooters (warriors)'

source: em11-10-04

audio archive: Vets_Day_RB ; Vets_Day_KM

2 audio files found:

  • Audio file can't be found on the server: Vets_Day_RB

  • Audio file can't be found on the server: Vets_Day_KM

    categorical subject: Calendar

    date last edited: 22/Mar/2006

  • Coeur d'Alene Tribe HQ | p. 208.686.1800 | 850 A. Street Plummer ID 83851