Word Details


stem: noqhnoqh

analysis: noqhnoqh-numt

definition: Valentine's Day ; desiring a sweetheart ; sweetheart '(desiring a...)'

literal translation: desiring a sweetheart

special notes: when both FA and MIL said it, it sounded like the second n dropped 'out. According to the stem list it should be noqhnoqhnumt.'

source: em11-10-04_97.44.101_FA

audio archive: noqhoqhnumt_FA ; noqhoqhnumt_MIL ; noqhoqhnumt_KM

3 audio files found:

  • Click to hear audio file: noqhoqhnumt_FA

  • Click to hear audio file: noqhoqhnumt_MIL

  • Click to hear audio file: noqhoqhnumt_KM

    categorical subject: Calendar

    date last edited: 24/Jan/2006

  • Coeur d'Alene Tribe HQ | p. 208.686.1800 | 850 A. Street Plummer ID 83851